Exhibition Space

Expose Your Work to a Wider Audience

We provide exhibition space to artists and art groups to show and sell their work at a flat rate of 80€ per month, with no commission on sales you handle directly. You will have approximately 85 meters of wall space to hang your work, as well as the adjacent window display in order to give your work high visibility from the street.

Exhibitions run from the first to the last day of the month and you have the option of hosting a two hour reception at no additional charge (food and drinks not included). You may host “meet the artist” and other events at the regular rate of 20€ per hour.

You have the option of handling all your sales directly, or having the gallery handle them for a nominal fee.

Details & Terms

  • A 50% deposit is required with your application. If your application is declined, you will receive a full refund. If accepted, the remaining 50% is due within five business days or your reservation will be canceled without a refund.

  • The gallery reserves the right to refuse any piece of artwork due to its content or presentation.

  • Artwork may ONLY be hung using the hooks provided- be sure to prepare your artwork accordingly, The gallery does not provide hanging wire or other hardware.

  • Title cards must be attached to the artwork, not to the walls. We recommend putting a number on each artwork and providing copies of a title/price list.

  • You are responsible for hanging your own artwork. However, management reserves the right to require pieces to be hung in a different layout.

  • If the first day of the month falls on a Friday, Saturday, or Sunday, the rental period will begin on the following day unless other arrangements are made.

  • You need to pick up your artwork by 15:00 on the last Thursday of the month unless other arrangements have been made. Failure to pick up your work by the desigated time will result in a packing fee of 40€ and a daily storage fee of 5€ until the work is picked up.

  • You are responsible for all promoting of your exhibition.

  • If you want your artwork to be covered under the gallery’s insurance, you must submit an inventory list which includes title, size, description, and sale price to be submitted as a PDF via email. You may obtain your own insurance if desired.

Tips for a Successful Exhibition

  • Present your artwork in a neat, clean, professional manner. This means paintings on canvas are on stretchers with clean edges and other artwork is properly framed with a mat (pasporte) with a frame the appropriate size. We recommend framing with glass because plexi scratches easily and is difficult to clean.

  • The more you promote your reception and exhibition, the more likely you are to make sales.

  • Host and publicize an opening reception. Most sales happen at receptions. Offering food, drink, live music, or presentations (by the artists, poetry or other readings, etc.) will make your event more appealing.

  • Artists who create and distribute flyers have better turnouts at their opening reception and therefore are more likely to make sales.

  • Include an information sheet with your photo and a short bio and artist statement

  • All the work in your exhibition should “hang well” together. In other words have a theme and be similar in style and content, and look like it was all done by the same artist

Looking for framing or Artist consultation check out our Artist Resource page


I did not hang my show at the beginning of the month- will I get a refund for the days I didn’t use?

The rental period is for the month, regardless of how many days your artwork is on display. There are no refunds for days that your work is not being displayed.

I want/need to take down my show early- will I get a refund for the days I didn’t use?

The rental period is for use of the space for a calendar month, regardless of how many days you use the space. There are no refunds for days that your artwork is not being displayed.

Do I have to pay a commission on sales?

There is no commission on sales that you handle directly. This means the buyer contacts you and you arrange payment, pickup, etc. with them. If the gallery handles any of your sales, there is a nominal fee of 20% on cash sales and 35% on MBWAY sales. This fee is charged only on the particular sales made by the gallery, not on any sales the artist arranges themselves. On the application form you can indicated if you want the gallery to handle any of your sales and under what conditions.

I’m not able to do an exhibition during my designated month. Do I get a refund?

We understand that the unexpected happens in life. If you are unable to do your exhibition during the month reserved for you, do to extenuating circumstances outside your control, we will do our best to change your reservation to a new month but cannot guarantee the ability to do so. There are no refunds if we are unable to reschedule your exhibition.

I changed my mind and no longer want to do the exhibition. Do I get a refund?

You are not required to follow through and hang your exhibition, but there are no refunds if you cancel.

Will the gallery help promote my exhibition?

The gallery may take and use photos and/or videos of your show for promotional purposes or create an event on social media to publicize your exhibition and/or reception, however we do not have any obligation to do so. We do offer graphic design services for an additional cost of 40€ per hour and ordering promotional products for you at an additional cost of 25€ plus the cost of the materials you are ordering.

Can I apply with other artists or do you only host solo shows?

Yes, you may apply with other artists, and art organizations are encouraged to apply. In both cases, please submit a single application. If you are a small group of artists not part of an organization, please be sure to upload at least one example of work by each artist in the group.